ur efforts have helped us market otherwise obscure/small school athletes, rehabilitate images, make our athletes more relatable, and place them in a better position to be recognized and acquire income both inside and outside the game. Video Promotions, Press Kits (both featured below), Strategic Appearances, and Social Media are among the various marketing tools used in delivering our array of services.

Case Study: William P. Stanback

William P. Stanback – A Journey of Redemption

Doing things that are hard sometimes requires helping young athletes get out of their own way.
William P. Stanback is an exceptional talent that the NFL fan will be excited to see in 2020.  Prior to his recent signing with the Las Vegas Raiders, William found himself in a situation where few were willing to offer him an opportunity, and even fewer were interested in making an investment in him as an athlete due to their desire to ‘play it safe’.  Armstrong Sports & Entertainment, LLC embraced Mr. Stanback and invested every available resource for his benefit.  By employing a personalized approach, we helped him attack his life circumstances from a more informed and enlightened perspective. We thank William for allowing us to touch his life and appreciate his trust in our processes.  Congratulations Will!  Continued Success . . .

Promotion Press-Kit

Promotion Video